Saturday, April 18, 2020

Starting again

So I guess we are going to start again today I will stick to eating good food. Move the Easter chocolate out of the kitchen so I'm not constantly seeing them. Write the days meals on the whiteboard so I'm  not always opening cupboards to see what's for the next meal. Be good!

In other news

I will plant the leeks in the veggie garden
Make animals nets to stop rabbits / kangaroos from eating the plants

Friday, April 17, 2020

Remote Learning and Homelife

Remote learning is going well in our house.
Took a few days to settle into a routine but we are fine.
The school are amazing and have been very considerate of individual situations and children.

Whats not going well...
 the diet, there are too many chocolates in the house and I'm constantly making food for the kids and having a little bit myself! Ugh!!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Slow cooker

Tomorrow morning the slow cooker will be earning it's keep.

Tinned tomatoes
Various veggies form the bottom of the fridge

Set and forget...hubs and I had a similar meal tonight and it was delicious, we smothered it in cheese and enjoyed every mouthful!

We'd been working in the garden for a lot of today so a hearty meal was most welcome.