Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Low carb living

I'm doing okay following LCHF again. I found it hard to get back into the swing of things but realised that it was my lack of preparedness that was the problem. I didn't have compliant snacks in the house. Went to Coles, bought salami, cabana, cheese, crackers (which I will eventually make myself but this get me started) when home, chopped the cabana and cheese into cubes and sorted it all in the fridge. Plenty of cream from Aldi, I. Find their pouring cream perce for my coffees and sour cream a great price for dumping on most meals!  Yesterday was. My first full day 100% Lchf. It felt good going to bed knowing that I'm on the right tracks! This morning was so much easier because the carb and sugar  cravings are less. Today my big need was to have a coffee not coffee and toast!

Dashed out first thing with the boys to pick up my car, it's had the AC regassed and a hose fixed $380! Home, let the boys have some tech time while I sewed on the scouts bushfire badges to their uniforms. Hubby and youngest have had uniforms returned to their rooms but eldest has moved from Cubs to scouts so I still have a mother load of badges to move from one uniform to the other! Boys are playing in their rooms for now. We have a builder coming later to quote on our entertaining area so I'm trying to get the main living areas in hand.

Things to be grateful for...

Found $25 in my threads boxwood have I've put in my bank book to pay into my GC account next time I'm passing the bank

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