Our current credit card debt is going to get a smashing this term.
We've decided that it needs to go and will be putting all my wages onto it until it has disappeared. As of this morning the balance owing is just under $604.14. I know to some this is not a lot and to others it is but honestly I hate being in debt of any kind!
My work is casual so we never know how much or how often I will get work but it was pretty steady last term so I'm hoping for the same again this term ands far it has been good. When I next get paid I will be clearing it straight away.
Until then I want to minimise my outgoing expenses.
No coffees
No takeaway (a really bad habit lately)
Eat from the freezer and pantry
If I'm not working much try selling on eBay / Facebook
Try to use fuel economically eg if in town get several jobs done and stay away the rest of the week!
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